Regresa el HD aunado a una de mi pasiones...el estilo minimalista, (nada que ver con mis atributos fisicos LOL!) Este video donde se ve New York con la técnica Tilt-Shift y no pueden creer lo genial que es. ¿como se hizo? Copio y pego a
continuación segun su creador Aeron:
It is shot on a Nikon D3 (and one shot on a D80), as a
series of stills. I used my Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 and Sigma 50-150mm
f/2.8 lenses for all of these shots. Most were shot at 4fps in DX crop
mode, which is the fastest the D3 could continuously write out to the
memory card. The boats had slower frame rates, and the night shots used
exposures up to two seconds each. The camera actually has an automatic
cut off after 130 shots, so for longer shots I counted each click and
quickly released and re-pressed the shutter release after 130 to keep
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